Computer simulation of a laser wakefield. Credit: Jorge Vieira,
GoLP/IPFN/Instituto Superior Tecnico
The Association of Instituto Superior Técnico for Research and Development (IST-ID) is a private not-for-profit institution, which primarily aims at carrying out Science and Technology activities, fostering knowledge transfer and promoting the involvement of national and foreign researchers, internally and externally, in RD&I projects in their areas of expertise.
IST-ID’s Laser and Plasma Group (GoLP) is integrated in the Institute for Plasmas and Nuclear Fusion (IPFN), an Associated Laboratory for Plasma Physics, Nuclear Fusion and Intense Lasers – a status given by the Portuguese Ministry of Science to the top research units of high strategic relevance to the country. GoLP excellence is in the field of theory, advanced computing and experiments in laser-plasma interaction, including electron acceleration, high-harmonic generation and tunable sources.
Contact: Luís Oliveira e Silva
Copyright © EuPRAXIA. All rights reserved. This project has received funding from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 653782.